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Breed History


          The history of Mastiffs is a long and sordid tale. Stories of Mastiffs protecting soldiers in battle, tracking and flushing stags, dog fighting, home and hearth guardians, and everything in between. With such a long and rich history one fact has remained true throughout time; Mastiffs are meant to be steadfast, level headed guardians, who evaluate and think before acting. They are meant to be a very discerning dog who do not waver in the face of adversity and do whatever is needed of them.


          There are many books, websites, and prints stories out there telling the history of the breed and unfortunately that is simply not something that can be completely covered in one little paragraph. For those interested, I've attached some links to articles and books about the history of the breed which view the breed from many different lenses.


Eng Ch Crown Prince Mastiff
Beau Ideal Mastiff
Claymore Mastiffs Logo
AKC Bred with HEART Mastiff banner

Claymore Mastiffs always has been and always will be an ally

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